Church Celebrations

On March 10, 2024, Shepherd of the Glades Lutheran Church celebrated its 50th Anniversary and the 25th anniversary of Pastor Jeff’s ordination!

Recent Fellowship Events

On Sunday, January 14, 2024, Shepherd of the Glades held a Welcome Back Luncheon, hosted by the Fellowship Committee:

On February 18, 2024, the Fellowship Committee organized a Strawberry Sundae Sunday after worship and before our Annual Meeting:

Palms Deaf Church Benefit Garage Sale

In February, 2023, SOTG held a garage sale to benefit a new ministry in the Florida-Bahamas Synod. To read more about it, please click the following link: Palms Deaf Church Benefit

Easter, 2023 at SOTG

To view Easter photos at SOTG, click the following link: Easter, 2023

March 2, 2020 Wartburg College Castle Singers Concert

On Monday, March 2, 2020, the Castle Singers from Wartburg College in Iowa provided us with a wonderful concert. Photos follow:

24 Castle Singers from Wartburg College, IA

Castle Singers from Wartburg College, IA

November 3, 2019 Installation of Rev. Jeffrey T. Ungs

Rev. Jeffrey T. Ungs was installed as the pastor of Shepherd of the Glades Lutheran Church on Sunday, November 3, 2019. Pictures of the event follow:

Pictures of Other Events

Sew-Sews Blanket Sunday

Sew-Sews Blanket Sunday

Candlelight Christmas Eve, 2015

Candlelight Christmas Eve, 2015

Copyright © 2024 — Shepherd of the Glades, ELCA | Site design by Trevor Fitzgerald