Palms Deaf Church Benefit Garage Sale

In February, 2023, SOTG held a garage sale to benefit a new ministry in the Florida-Bahamas Synod. To read more about it, please click the following link: Palms Deaf Church Benefit

Easter, 2023 at SOTG

To view Easter photos at SOTG, click the following link: Easter, 2023

Bible Studies from Luther Seminary

Click here to Enter the Bible website

Daily Devotional

For a daily walk with God in Holy Scriptures, a commentary, and place to hear and make prayer requests, visit Daily Audio Bible Here you wiil find the opportunity to go through the entire bible in one year, or you can simply listen to a daily Proverb or Psalm. If you have children or grandchildren there is even a daily meditation for them! Enjoy!


During season, October through April, many from SOTG gather on Tuesday mornings to work on quilts for donation to St. Matthew’s House and the Center for Abused Women and Children, while enjoying light refreshments and fellowship.

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